A Message from the Board Chair
Bexley Seabury Announces Leadership Transition
“Together, we will continue to educate, form, and inspire the body of Christ to blaze new journeys of prophetic and pastoral service in response to God’s call.”
Dear Friends of Bexley Seabury:
I am writing to let you know that the Rev. Dr. Micah T.J. Jackson, who has led our seminary through seven vital years of change and growth, will leave his position as president effective January 13, 2025.
We are grateful that the Rev. Dr. Jason Fout, our academic dean who has been a member of the faculty for 16 years, has agreed to serve as acting president. The board is working with an executive recruitment firm in its search for our next president.
Micah’s tenure was an exciting time for Bexley Seabury. Our student body grew, as did our faculty, and our network of supportive bishops has expanded. Forty-eight dioceses were represented in our student body during the 2023-2024 Academic year. Micah’s extraordinary vision has grown Bexley Seabury into a seminary for all orders of ministry, committed to equipping all of God’s children through spiritual formation. This has included partnering with the Episcopal Church’s Office of Indigenous Ministries to create the Mentor-Assessed Master of Divinity Program, developing the Pathways program for the education and enrichment of all orders, and establishing new certificate programs.
The board remains committed to Bexley Seabury’s innovative model of distributed learning that meets our students where they are in their lives and journeys of faith. Together, we will continue to educate, form, and inspire the body of Christ to blaze new journeys of prophetic and pastoral service in response to God’s call.
We know some of you will have questions about our plans for the seminary’s future, and we will be inviting students, faculty, staff and other members of our community to further conversations in the coming days. In the meantime, let us assure you that Bexley Seabury remains stable under outstanding leadership as we celebrate our 200th year as a seminary.
Please join us in wishing Micah well, and in thanking him for service to our seminary beyond walls.
We are grateful for your commitment to Bexley Seabury. If you have any further questions, please send them to exco@bexleyseabury.edu.
The Rt. Rev. Dr. Douglas E. Sparks
Chair, Board of Directors